Calle Río Tormes, 5. 37770 Guijuelo – Salamanca – ESPAÑA
CIF: B-37043874
Phone: (+34) 923 581 253
Registered in the Mercantile Register of Salamanca, Tomo 109 Gral. L. 24. S. 2ª of companies. F. 15 H. 630. Insc. 1ª de fecha 16-09-1986 – C.I.F.: B-37043874
Use of the Internet portal service
This legal notice regulates the use of the service of the internet portal whose domain is
This legal notice is only applicable to this website, meaning all pages and subpages included under the domain CARDISAN, S.L. declines any responsibility for the content and operation of third party websites or pages which may be accessed through hyperlinks or links located on this website and not managed directly by CARDISAN, S.L.
In this respect, the presence of hyperlinks or links on the CARDISAN, S.L. web pages is merely for information purposes and in no case implies a suggestion, invitation or recommendation of the same.
The use of the website confers the condition of user of the same and implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this Legal Notice in the version published by CARDISAN, S.L. at all times.
CARDISAN, S.L. reserves the right to make any modifications it deems appropriate to its website without prior notice, and may change, delete or add both the content and services provided through the website and the way in which they are presented or located on its servers, without this giving rise to any claim or compensation, or implying any recognition of liability whatsoever.
The User undertakes, in general, to use the website as well as the contents, services and information linked to it diligently, in accordance with the Law, morality, public order and the provisions of this Legal Notice, and must also refrain from using them in any way that may prevent the normal operation and enjoyment by users of the website of the contents thereof, or that may damage or cause damage to the property and rights of CARDISAN, S.L., its users or, in general, any third party.
Privacy and data protection policy.
In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/2009, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data, CARDISAN, S.L. informs that the personal data voluntarily provided by the User through the contact forms will be included in a file owned by CARDISAN, S.L. and processed for the sole purpose of contacting the company with users who have made any type of query through the Web, as well as for the commercial and/or advertising relationship CARDISAN, S.L.
The completion of the contact forms by the User implies that he/she gives his/her express consent to the collection of his/her data by CARDISAN, S.L. and that he/she is informed that his/her data will be stored in the files owned by the company.
CARDISAN, S.L. is responsible for the files and undertakes not to use the data for any purpose other than that for which they were collected, nor to illegitimately transfer them to third parties. Likewise, CARDISAN, S.L. undertakes to treat the personal data voluntarily provided by the User confidentially, and to apply the necessary technical, organisational and security measures to prevent unauthorised processing or access, in accordance with current data protection regulations.
In this sense, CARDISAN, S.L. will process the personal data communicated by the User adopting the security levels and measures that are pertinent in compliance with the regulations in force on personal data protection, this being, among others, Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December on Personal Data Protection and Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December.
The User guarantees that the Personal Data provided to CARDISAN, S.L. is true and is responsible for notifying CARDISAN, S.L. of any change in the same. CARDISAN, S.L. reserves the right to exclude from the registered services any User who has provided false or erroneous data, without prejudice to any other legal action that may be taken. Likewise, Users may send their communications and exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by sending an ordinary letter to CARDISAN, S.L., or by sending an e-mail to or by calling +34 923 581 253.
Disclaimer of warranties.
The website focuses on the promotion and presentation of CARDISAN, S.L. products, which guarantees the veracity, quality, safety and legality of the promoted products; and undertakes to respect the veracity of the data, except for typographical errors, adapting them to the LSSICE and other regulations in force.
CARDISAN, S.L. cannot guarantee that the Website and the services linked to it will function correctly at all times, that the User will be able to access and use them quickly, uninterruptedly and error-free.
CARDISAN, S.L. will act diligently according to the general accepted uses in the sector to avoid the presence on the website or in any of the services linked to it of viruses or other harmful elements that could cause alterations to the User’s computer system, electronic documents or files, but cannot guarantee the absence of such elements, and shall not be liable for any damages that this could cause.
Intellectual and industrial property.
The User acknowledges that all elements of the Website, the information and materials contained therein, the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents and the computer programs used in relation to it are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights of CARDISAN, S.L. or third parties.
Access to the Website does not presuppose the acquisition by users of the right of ownership over the content contained therein.
Unless authorised by CARDISAN, S.L. or, where applicable, by the third party holders of the corresponding rights, or unless legally permitted, the User may not reproduce, transform, modify, disassemble, reverse engineer, distribute, rent, lend, make available or allow access to the public by any means of public communication of any of the elements referred to in the previous paragraph.
The User must use the materials, elements and information accessed through the use of the Website solely for his or her own needs, and undertakes not to carry out any direct or indirect commercial exploitation of the services or of the materials, elements and information obtained through the same.
Users must refrain from removing any signs identifying the rights (intellectual, industrial or any other) of CARDISAN, S.L. or third parties that appear on the website and in the content offered through it. Likewise, the User shall refrain from evading or manipulating any technical devices established by CARDISAN, S.L. or by third parties, whether on the Website or in any of the materials, elements or information obtained through the same, for the protection of their rights.